Downloadable brand identity files are restricted to faculty and staff. Collegiate athletics letterhead and logos are restricted to sports information and athletic departments. Before using K identifiers, please review our visual identifier guidelines.
On this page you will find information on:
Note on Commercial Use Of College Logos and Stamps
To request an image for commercial use for printing on flyers, posters and specialty items (e.g. shirts, pens, water bottles, etc.), please contact
Unit Stamps
Kalamazoo College departments and programs may use unit stamps for clear visual representation of your unit under the institutional brand. You do not need prior authorization to use unit stamps as long as you do not alter them. A proportional size adjustment is not an alteration; however, please do not proportionally reduce a unit stamp to a size that is too small to read.


These avatars must be used to represent your College unit’s identity on social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Please contact before creating a new social media account for your College unit. An avatar will be created for you. You may also use Social Media avatars for other print and online projects where a small unit logo is needed.
College Logos
Logos can be downloaded and used for College business. You do not need prior authorization to use the logos as long as you do not alter them. A proportional size adjustment is not an alteration. Collegiate athletics logos are restricted to sports information and athletic departments.
Color Variations
College identifiers can vary their areas of color using a limited color palette (orange, black, and white). When the background of a project is the same color as part of the identifier, you may request permission to receive an altered identifier by contacting (The outline of the K must always be visible and cannot be the same color as the background.)
Primary Logos
The following logos should be used primarily in marketing and communication materials.
Download Primary Logos
Secondary Logos
The following logos should be used sparingly. Please do not alter or change the file names of these logos as it helps the College prevent unauthorized use of its hornet.
Download Secondary Logos
College Wordmarks
All College Wordmarks are considered primary and can be used across your marketing and communication needs.
Download Wordmarks

College Wordmark, Stacked
Athletics Logos
The athletic logo (the K combined with the K Hornet) is reserved for use by the athletics department. Similar to College logos, the athletics logos are separated between primary and secondary logos. In the links below you can explore and download athletic photos, sorted by team and function.
Example Primary Athletics Logos

Example Secondary Athletics Logos

Kalamazoo College Seal
The Kalamazoo College seal is reserved for specific official documents such as diplomas and donor agreements, certain merchandise, and other limited materials. Do not use the seal without prior authorization.

How to use College Identifiers
College identifiers are to be used as is, without major alterations. This provides brand consistency across the College. Below you will find some of the common errors to avoid when using college identifiers.
1. Do not stretch, distort, rearrange or change the size relationship among the identifier elements.

2. Do not add in any additional outlines.

3. Do not use an identifier as a part of a sentence or in place of a K in a word

4. Do not enclose an identifier in any other color than our primary colors (orange and black).

5. Do not remove the College’s trademark, ®.

6. Do not place identifiers onto backgrounds of the same color as its’ outline.

7. Do not combine identifiers.